Worst Services of Net4.in - Complaint Against fraud with client and cheap quality customer support and technical support services in India and abroad. The menace of web hosting companies in India, this is the true story which happened with us. Know how a popular IT and Web hosting company (Net4.in) cheated and make fool of their clients.
Beware of http://www.net4.inActually we were looking for the web hosting company in delhi & NCR, then we found a company named as Net4.in, Whose office is in Noida. We purchased Cyber wallet partner plans from Net4.in @ INR 10,110/- in month of November, 2008. The Net.in's sales executive told us about their hosting plans. He offered an economical cyber wallet plan , which was looking attractive and also includes the benefit of free wallet scheme too. It means whenever the customer who is registers under Cyber partner plan going to buy any domain, he will be charged (INR 446/- per domain ) from his cyber wallet and the same amount (INR 446/-) will be credited to the client's free wallet. From that free wallet the client can shop free hosting, database, or more services other than domains without paying any money except tax. Then in Nov, 2008 we took the membership and became a registered member with cyber wallet plan of www.net4.in by paying INR 10,110/- through Cr. Card and a ( CRN ID - 000505XXX) was assigned to us.
Detail of cyber wallet plan
Order No. Order Date Order Amount Order Status
1 R0003XXX Nov 2008 10110 Successful Print
The Starting of Problems with Net4.in services:
Ist Case : 1st Order placed for split hosting of 250 MB
Now in month of January, 2009 we purchase 10 domains @ 446 of INR 4,460/-. This amount was deducted from our cyber wallet and the same was credited to our free wallet according to the plan. But now the Nightmare starts when we placed an order to purchased the 250 MB split hosting for our 5 domains. At the time of submitting the order form for the (250 MB spilt hosting plan of INR 2112/-); we checked the option of the free wallet to our free wallet amount (INR 4,460/) but the whole amount was charged from my cyber wallet. On the very next day we complained the sales and support team of Net4.in, But they replied that its the client's fault and the client (we) don't used a right option while submitting the payment form. We requested them to check this technical issue at their end but they rejected to listen us any more.
As a Result : the matter was not solved yet.
Your Shopping Cart Includes:
Item(s) Terms Price (INR.) Tax* Discount
Split Hosting 250MB
1 2112 261 0
Sub Total INR.2112
Discount INR.0
Shipping INR.0
Tax INR.261
Total Price INR.2373
*Service tax @ 12.36%
Payment Mode: **All master and visa cards are ACCEPTED, irrespective of the bank they belong to.
Cyber Wallet Free Wallet -(Checked)
Your Cyber Wallet deduction amount is : 261
Your Free Wallet deduction amount is : INR.2373
IInd Case: 2nd Order placed for Shared hosting 100 MB
For the next order we decided to call the marketing executive before submitting the order, then we made a mobile call to him (SALES EXECUTIVE NAME - XXXXXXXX) and said to guide us step by step in purchasing the next shared hosting plan of 100 MB on Linux, He told every thing step by step and we followed him. This time again we chosen the FREE WALLET OPTION AGAIN; Before submitting the form we took a (print screen/ snapshot) and submitted the order form, Now again this time whole amount of INR 734/- was deducted from our cyber wallet. After this blunder we took is seriously and claimed our money back in our cyber wallet by sending an official mail to the sales executive, support and marketing manager with the snapshot of the order. We also talked the marketing manager and he ensured us to solve the matter in a day or two. But till now the problem is still same, We have done 100's of mobile calls and placed several tickets in support but they are not solving this issue. The company is big looser and provides worse services to their customers.
I advise all interested parties who are looking forward to buy any domain and hosting plan, Please Don't Buy it from Net4.in. The company have worst technical and customer support system.
What was response of the Net4.in marketing and Technical support department?
- >>In 1st day When we made call on 01204323500 help desk of Net4.in and want to talk the desired personal, the reception said he is busy or not on line.
- >>Next day we again called then but they said the concerned sales executive is on leave.
- >>We we again try to approach then they keep us on hold for 25 minutes and after that discounted the line.
- >>3rd day again we call at 12:30 on 01204323500-XXX (extension of Marketing manager), And told him the hole story. The Marketing manger (NAME - XXXXX XXXXXX) ensured us to solve the issue on the next day.
- >>4th day we tried to talk the desired person and we were kept on long hold and after that the reception desk said that desired is busy on some other line. One the same day we try to talk to him but he used to play hide and seek with us. Then finally we called again to technical support and the response was not quite satisfactory; then said this problem is not on their side.
- >>5th day when we made call to the extension of Marketing manager, the attendant said he is not is office. Same day we talked with the concerned marketing executive (NAME - XXXXXXX)then he said the we are sorting out your problem and it will be solved in 1 hour. But till now there is same situation like very first day.
What problem we faced?
- >>Lots of stress in mind with loss of time at work hours.
- >>The employees are sitting without work in our firm, due to delay in handling this problem by hosting provider (Net4.in)
- >>Wastage of Mobile calls after all money is money.
- >>Delay in work on Client projects.
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Thanks for this valuable posting, And its really a great starting to expossed the Worst Customer services by the web hosting company. I request all of the web space buyer to keep you eye and ear open before shopping web hosting from the companies like Net4.in
This is a great blog with the lot of seo and web information to the users, I will you all the best and in future the publisher will get the hights in career. Please give more tips about seo, sem and web development.
Great posting, Hi friend, I m a serach engine marketing expert from UK. I have also the same experience with this web hosting company named Net4.in. This Blogger Guy done a great job by posting this personal issue in lime light.
Best wishes..
I would like to thanks all of my Online SEO and Online friends who responded on this menace done by the hosting company. I wish that they must realized and appolozise for what they have done. The People must know That SEO's are the base of IT and web industry, So never try to cheat anyone.
Again thanks of the IT and Web Friends network..
Before going to contact any seo service a proper information should be taken form the market about the company and from there other clients.
SEO Company Mumbai
Thanks for giving information about fraud information. I think many company may has fraud in this internet market. we should be careful that any one marketing. SEO Services India
beware of one SEO company..
this is one of the worst companies i have ever seen in my life...the owner of this compant treat its employees just as animals and always find a chance to deduct the salary of employee...never pay at time..worst company really...kindly transfer this msg to all of your near and dears and beware from these kind of small companies..i m telling from my own experience
interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you.
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SEO Services Firm
Net4.in is in the business of fraud and scam by sending lakhs of unsolicited bulk emails everyday ask people to sign up for either Web Hosting or SEO. They NEVER use their real identity of mail, but rather keep registering new domain names and send mails from them. For example, their recent SCAM was from RKServers.in and they try to cheat people with fake phone numbers which they never pick. Some research tells their contact number is 01204323500 which is again useless to call.
These guys are a FRAUD and cheats. Do not deal with them. They will bill you for 100s of things and use your credit card information for wrong purposes.
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